Children's Eyecare...
Eye care is especially important for young people because their eyes are still developing and so much of their learning and well-being depends on their eyesight.
With this in mind, we make sure that every part of our service from testing to dispensing can be tailored to suit children and teenagers.
Regular eye tests are vital in safeguarding children’s vision and eye health.
Our comprehensive eye tests are varied for different age groups so children and teenagers get the most important tests and monitoring for their age. This allows us to catch any eye conditions or vision loss early meaning they can be treated and corrected more effectively.
The NHS entitles children under 16 and teens under 19 in full-time education to free eye examinations, so taking care of your kids’ eyes doesn’t have to be another expense.
Kid's Eye Tests

Glasses For Children
Our range of eyewear for children and teenagers includes styles to suit every personality.
All of our frames are designed to be comfortable, durable and stylish so whatever their taste children and teens will end up with top quality glasses.
Our dispensing team are expert at helping to find glasses for each individual and this includes even our youngest patients.